Wednesday, October 16, 2013

BLOG ACTION DAY Human Rights: 65 year later what has changed?

When the UN set the declaration for Human rights in 1948, recognized the failure of all institutions and Government at the time, to properly guarantee them. It was necessary to propose a contract which every country in the world, should be committed to. Besides, itself also reflected a society in need to restore basic respect for civilization. A few years before, WW II had a devastating effect on key values of civilization, which it was necessary both to rescue and restore.- As time moved into the fifties, sixties and seventies, it seemed that economic progress made its way to get a wide and strong support for human rights all over the world. As Amartya Sen has said, “rights” requires first the capabilities to use them properly. Therefore, economic progress brought better living conditions, freedom and with it better access to services , goods, social mobility and upward trend in income levels. It improved the capabilities to make rights something real. After all, ignorance is self excluding concerning some rights (voting, Information, quality).- However, economic progress was heterogeneous .Some countries got an high share of it, other were left behind ,and others came on board at the end of the cycle of industrial expansion(1991), just before starting the new wave of technological development, which has lead us to the so called knowledge society.- Thus, the lasting impact of the 1948 UN declaration, could not overcome completely the political will of dictators, authoritarian regimes , nepotism and ideology. Considering the whole time span between 1948-1991, it seems that economics did better than politics, to make sure a better conditions for Human rights protection across the world. It lifted the world out of the misery of the war, poverty and indignity all over the western world . It also gave to the citizen a stronger senses of self esteem a key capability for human right claiming . With the economy transformation from industrial , manufactured production, to technology based services structures , focused on the global scale, with environment concerns on the rise, and global terrorism threat, a second stage of human rights protection is needed, and with it , an institutional framework better fitted with this century challenges .- Let check some of the up dated human rights , following this technology based society a.- The right to global sources of knowledge available in internet, twitter, and global TV.- b.-The right to have objective information and transparency, from government , non government organizations, or private entities.- c.- The right to live in a sustainable planet .- d.- The right to more reliable social networks e.-The right to good quality goods, and public services(education ,health and safety on the streets) f.-The right to have good government policies, and better institutions for markets performance.-

Friday, October 11, 2013

Global economy growth projections

The mood among analysts looking into 2014 ,is not that much optimistic about the prospect for global growth. The IMF report (October 8th, 2013) is cautious on its projections for 2013 (2,9%), and 2014(3,9%). Besides, it warns about the implications of shifting the growth sources from emerging economies, to advanced ones.- Emerging economies, although with a strong growth performance,(4,5% for 2013 ,and 5,1% in 2014) it is expected to become weaker as the round of easing monetary policies, is about to begin its normalization. Besides , there are other structural constraints such as infrastructure, labor markets rigidities, and lack of investment , which set the boundaries for potential growth for those economies. Latin America economies look not that bad. Brazil is expected to growth flat at 2,5% rate both 2013 and 2014, well below its partners of the BRIC groups .Mexico instead , will growth 1,2% in 2013 but picking up in 2014 (3,2%) .- Statistics are one thing, economic –political analysis is another. All of those projections will probably be revisited as long as the US monetary policy start its normalization path,(assuming by the way it also solves the current stand off about debt ceiling and budget ). In other words, those projections evaluations should consider the risks surrounding any 2014 growth forecast. In fact ,IMF officials have made clear this issue, warning that global economy will face in 2014 a transition period to both different financial conditions and different sources of growth. Other analysts, (, have warned about the Euro Zone chances of keeping on its current recovery mode without solving key issues .- Thus, what is left out of those projections?. The global economy ,is still on its way out of the worst recession so far in this century. It will go on to match its long term growth potential, as long as policy makers deal properly with the requirements associated with it: keeping the pace of reforms, both in the euro zone and emerging economies.